YallaBid fees are simple and straightforward. There are 2 types of fees, Enhancement Fees & Success Fees.
At launch, YallaBid won't be charging any enhancement fees and only a very minimal success fee only once the item has been sold and funds received
Success Fees:
Success fees are charged to sellers once their item has been sold. YallaBid will only charge you a success fee once a buyer has paid for the item.
Currently, YallaBid charges a minimal 9% on all items sold on paid for the buyer to the seller. When your item is sold and paid for, the amount paid for will be transferred into your YallaWallet including our fee.
Enhancement Fees:
Enhancement fees are charged when you would like buyers to notice your listing over others. There are currently 4 types of enhancements listed below:
Featured Listing
This enhancement allows your listing to be showed on the home page of YallaBid.
Highlighted Listing:
Highlighted listings have a different background colour then those without highlights. The highlighted background colour makes your listing more noticeable to buyers.
SALE Badge
The SALE badge adds a "SALE" sign at the top of your listing in a bright red colour:
Bold Listing
The bold enhancement ensures the Title of your listing shows out so buyers notice it better:
Listing on YallaBid is free and you only pay for the above enhancements. To give your listing the greatest visibility you can use multiple listing enhancements.